Genre: AllSex, Animation, Futanari, Elf, Fantasy
Each 'episode' of the story will consist of 7 in-game days with 4 episodes planned. New updates will be released about every 2 weeks. Due to these branching paths, this game will meant to be replayed in order to experience everything. Your choices will influence which characters will open up to you or may become your enemies. Every choice you make will lead you deeper into the narrative with no early 'game overs.' There are 16 possible character routes available that play out simultaneously and even interconnect. This game is designed around a deep and engaging story. As he meets the various students and faculty, a mystery unravels which will change him and those around him forever. You play the role of the main character, a man who has just been accepted into Branchfield University. Info: 'Element-174' is an adult sci-fi visual novel with a focus on choices and how our decisions cause ripples in our story.